Sent Pere de les Puel·les wheat purchases

Dublin Core


Sent Pere de les Puel·les wheat purchases


Grain market, monastic consumption


In this dataset, the information drawn from the Sent Pere records is (as is often the case) not always complete.  I have included an "entry number" column for each record book to indicate the order in which the items are recorded on the page, even when dates differ (or are not entered.)  When possible, I have noted the wheat quality or description, the origin of the grain, the seller, and other information such as the transportation cost from the market.  I have also indicated the original entry of Quarteres, quartans (1/12th of a Quartera) and the payment in Sous or Solidos and Diners (similarly, a diner is 1/12th of a Solido).  I have added a column that converts these numbers into their rough decimal equivalent, as well as a couple of columns that indicate the costs in "old quarteres."  The size of the quartera was changed to be slightly larger by royal edict near the end of the fourteenth century and the purchasers often note the first time they use the new quartera in their purchases (as these records do - this is noted in the dataset.)  Hence, I have given a conversion column to the "old Quartera" for uniformity of comparison across the time period.


Adam Franklin-Lyons


Arxiu de Sent Pere de les Puel·les; Llibres d'Abadesses and Capbreus


Creative Commons 3.0







Adam Franklin-Lyons, “Sent Pere de les Puel·les wheat purchases,” History Projects, accessed July 27, 2024,